Tuesday, 26 August 2008

August Blog Hop - Cd Cases

This is my entry for the August Blog hop from Papertrey Ink I have to say it wasn't the easiest of challenges and I had such a hectic weekend but I wanted to partici[ate so here it is.
A simple calander I stamped the CD case with the Boxes , bags and tags by Papertrey ink with white stazon and made a little holder to adhere to the front of the case to hold a monthly calenders I googled for a 2009 mothly calendar and printed off which I mounted onto black card.
I punched 2 holes through the top of the cd case with a cropodile and slotted through some white ribbon and to finish added pearls to the center of the blossoms.


Unknown said...

This is delicate and beautifl Jak - really pretty - I'd love this on my desk.

Molly B said...

Beautiful, very well done. Very elegant. -Molly B

IamDerby said...

Very pretty jak! How do you punch a cd case? cropodile?

Traveling Mama said...

Oh, wow! This is just amazing! What a great idea!

Kevin Renz said...

Very cute Jak!

Kimberly Crawford said...

WOW!! Gorgeous!! Bravo!!

Frogwoman said...

Wow, I need some white staz on. It looks gorgeous. You did a beautiful job.

Niki Estes said...

That is so pretty, Jak! I love it!

Diana said...

What a wonderful idea! The white flowers look so pretty on the clear case.

Jennifer Holmes said...

Love the look of the white StazOn for this project! Very pretty!

Diane said...

So beautiful! I love your calendar holder attached to the front.

Chris said...

this is very pretty!! i love that you left the background just clear...nice touch!!

Unknown said...

I love this! It is so elegant and beautiful.

Anonymous said...

OMG this is a very beautiful calendar. How did you punch through it without it shattering?

Lisa H. said...

this is absolutly beautiful! WOW!

Kelly Braund said...

So pretty! I love white ink! I saw a lot of people asking about punching holes- so I was just going to say the Fiskars craft drill is great for that.

Donelda said...

This is really pretty!! I love the pearls in the centers! Thanks for sharing

Lori said...

This is so elegant! I love the how the white Staz-on looks on the clear case--what a great idea.

Anonymous said...

Did you make your own calendar or is it purchased, if so, where?

Thank you,

ohradiogirl said...

You did an awesome job w/this challenge. I like it.

Marge said...

Wow, you talented ladies just amaze me; I saw the challenge & just freaked -- not for me! Maybe I'll get over that issue one day soon!!!
Your calendar is just great & what a nice addition to any desk!!! Love the white Stazon & pearls too!!!

Kacey Elliott said...

This is lovely Jak! So delicate nd pretty! Awesome :-)

Tricia said...

Your work is always so lovely! Love your idea, too!

One Creative Life said...

WOW! another beautiful creation Jak! Just gorgeous!TFS-Erica

Anonymous said...

This is awesome! I love th white stamping on the clear case.

Bridget said...

What a neat idea.. I love the white on the clear background and those pearls just add the right touch!! Beautiful job Jak!!!

Anonymous said...

It's beautiful, jak- can't believe you punched holes in it and it didn't shatter! So good to know! ~babies~

Kristie Larsen said...

so pretty. i love it!

Debbie Olson said...

SO beautiful! I love the white staz-on on this case!

K said...

Just beautiful! It looks so lovely. How in the world did you get it to stamp so well?

Terri said...

Very pretty. I really like how you stamped directly on it. Great idea.

Regan said...

great as usual Jak!

Anonymous said...

Very beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Love It!!

Kathleen said...

What a great idea~ I love the cropadile, don't you? I really like what you did with this...who knew a jewel case could look so pretty!

Unknown said...

This is beautiful, very nice job!

Judy Miller said...

Wow, beautiful! Very nice. I'm working on calendars for the holidays and what a nice inspiration. Thanks for sharing.

estherc said...

Your calendar is gorgeous! Thanks for sharing!

ps. where did you get the monthly calendars from?

wintersparkle said...

WOW WOW WOW what more can I say xx

Cazz said...

What a great use for a CD case. Well done Jak - truly inspirational xx

ribenaruby said...

Wow, I do do like the look as many have said of the white stazon. What a lot of hard work you have had to do this weekend, and still get this in too!

Beryl K said...

It's just beautiful Jak, just Beautiful
Beryl x

Unknown said...

That is gorgeous Jak and what a brilliant idea, well done xx

Anonymous said...

Brilliant idea Jak , gorgeous
Luv Nena x

Anonymous said...

jak its gorgeous, love the effect of the white ink

Norma x

Suzanne said...

Wow - i`m stunned - this is one amazing piece - just like etched glass

thanks for sharing your amazing talent

Linda said...

Another great make from you. Well done.

Anonymous said...

What a great project! Love it...Lori

Lavender Rose said...

Very stylish, wonderful design and perfectly stamped!

Chrissie said...

Fantastic as ever Jak. How can you make a calender look so stylish? Such a clever idea.

Wellnifty said...

What a Great idea, but you made it look stunning

Chris x

Anonymous said...

What a great idea Jak, and it's so pretty. Would love that on my desk, must give it a try...

Tonniece said...

OMG!!!!!!!!!!! This is stunning.
Very, very WOW!!
